I finally got around to updating my web site a bit! As you can tell, I am certainly no graphic designer. I don't know what I think about it yet, but I can always change it I suppose. Ah, the magic of the cascading style sheet. About myself: I am a proud member of the foofus.net team! My professional focus happens to be on application security, though I dabble in network security as well. :) I have a number of pet projects that I work on at any given time, but right now my focus is on obtaining information from Windows systems. To that end, I present the following links for your consideration:
The esteemed JoMo-Kun has been working feverishly on a parallelized brute-forcing tool called medusa for some time now, and it's now been released to the public. For those familiar with the tool hydra, it's very similar but (hopefully) more stable and definitely a lot faster. It uses threads rather than forking to do it's parallelization, and it's far more modular and extensible. It can brute a number of very common protocols, including SMB, SSH, telnet, HTTP, VNC, SQL Server and others, and I know he's working on a few new ones as well. This tool definitely gets the Fizzgig Seal of Approval (void in Tennessee), which has absolutely nothing to do with the fact that I contributed a small amount of code to the project. OK, maybe that's a SMALL factor in my decision... :) Really though, it is a very great and powerful tool. Medusa and fgdump are also an important part of foofus's work on implied trust relationships. This was a presentation he gave at Defcon 14, and was very well-received. Other links to useful stuff and things I find interesting:
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