Gregory v. Ashcroft



Facts: MO has an article in its constitution specifying that all judges over 70 need to retire. Gregory, et al., file suit.

Posture: Don't really know.

Issue: Does this provision violate ADEA (the federal Age Discrimination in Employment Act), and does it violate equal protection?

Holding: No, and No.

Rule: Elected officials are not covered by ADEA, and age is not a suspect category, so all we need here is rational basis analysis.

Reasoning: It's not irrational to conclude that people start to deteriorate after 70, and it's hard to get rid of judges otherwise. So this rule could have a rational basis.

As for whether judges are counted under ADEA, the statute isn't so clear that we can conclude they are not.

Dicta: In the tension between federal and state power lies the promise of liberty.