Forrer v. Sears, Roebuck & Company


Court: Supreme Court of Wisconsin

Facts: Forrer worked for Sears for a long time, then left and began farming due to ill health. Sears entreated him to come back to manage the hardware department part time. He went back, and eventually was offered "permanent employment" there if he gave up farming. He does so, and is fired without cause a mere four months later.

Posture: Trial court sustained defendant's demmurer for lack of cause

Issue: Is there grounds for promissory estoppel here?

Holding: Affirmed, there's no cause of action here

Rule: If the defendant's promise was kept, there's no basis for estoppel (i.e., we'd be trying to enforce something that has already happened)

Reasoning: No additional consideration for "permanent employment." This was just employment at will.

Dicta: We would not hesitate to estop, if justice required it.