Gordon Tameny v. Atlantic Richfield Company


Court: Supreme Court of California

Facts: Plaintiff a retail sales representative for Arco. Arco asked him to engage in some price-fixing that would violate antitrust law. He declines, and was terminated, ostensibly for incompetence (his history of promotion notwithstanding).

Posture: Defendants demurred to the initial tort causes of action, and proceeded in contract. Trial court dismissed and entered judgment for Arco, plaintiff appeals.

Issue: Can an employer require an employee to do something illegal?

Holding: Reversed. This was the tort of wrongful termination.

Rule: Employers have a duty to abide by the law.

Reasoning: If you allowed this demurrer, what would stop you from allowing workers to unionize and then terminating them for doing so?

Dicta: Dissenting opinion: the court is overstepping its bounds here; the legislature has been clear that this is a contract, not a tort, issue.