Now remember that when Prosser writes, it's 1960: cold war times.
Is law driving the discussion or reflecting what is going
on? Anyway, states are all over the board here: some are
finding a common law right, some are writing statutes.
Prosser is trying to bring order to this.
- Intrusion on solitude. This was the Warren & Brandeis
- Intrudes
- On the provate affairs
- Highly offensive to a reasonable person
- Public disclosure of private facts. We need
- Publicity
- Highly offensive
- Not a legitimate concern to the public
- Putting the victim in a false light. Has to be:
- Highly objectionable to a reasonable person
- Proven to be false
- Known to be false by the publisher
- Appropriation of identity.
Prosser says we need this taxonomy because just the idea
of "being left alone" is not concrete enough to be workable.
We want ideas that we can actually apply to facts.
Prosser goes through an shows how prior concepts aren't
enough to protect the privacy interest: property rights,
defamation, etc.