Ponticas v. K. M. S. Investments


Court: MN Supreme Court

Facts: Landlord hires a resident manager without doing much background checking. Turns out he had a criminal history, a tendency to drink on the job, etc. The screening process was very lax-- he basically didn't answer some questions.

Then, he rapes a tenant at knife point and tries to strangle her.

Posture: The guy is convicted. The plaintiff sues the landlord for negligence in the hiring process.

Issue: Did the landlord owe a duty of reasonable care in finding its resident manager?

Holding: Yes.

Rule: Liability isn't solely determined by a failure to investigate; it's the totality of the circumstances, and this is a matter for the jury.

Reasoning: There's no duty to investigate as a matter of law, but there's also no cause to think that the jury made a finding contrary to the evidence. Proximate cause is for the jury to decide.

Dicta: Dissent: failure to investigate a job candidate doesn't make it foreseeable that he'll rape a tenant.