Village of Arlington Heights v. Metropolitan Housing Development Corporation


Court: US Supreme Court

Facts: Arlington Heights denies a petition to rezone 15 acres donated by a church order so that it can have higher density housing (i.e., lower income people).

Posture: Appeal from a bench trial finding for the village. Seventh Circuit reverses, and the village appeals.

Issue: Does the refusal to re-zone violate 14A?

Holding: Remanded for further consideration.

Rule: The court doesn't issue a bright-line rule here.

Reasoning: They would like more consideration of the statutory angle, because the constitutional one is thorny. We've got de facto discrimination, probably, but the property owners certainly relied on the zoning of the area, and property ownership is important too. So please think about how we can solve this problem without forcing a constitutional edict.

Dicta: We're dealing with balancing competing interests