Uhr v. East Greenbush School District


Venue: NY Ct. App.

Facts: School district fails to test young child for scoliosis. He gets it.

Posture: Summary judgment for defendants at trial, affirmed at appeal.

Issue: Can the plaintiff's claim that the education law was violated be a cause of private action?

Holding: No. Affirmed.

Rule: A private cause of action would be inconsistent with the legislative intent, basically. In order for a statute to create a private cause of action, three prongs must be satisfied:
  1. The plaintiff must be a member of the class for whose benefit the statute was enacted
  2. A private right of action would promote the legislative purpose
  3. The creation of such a right would be consistent with the legislative scheme
Here, we've got 1 and 2, but not 3, because another kind of enforcement (commissioner can withold funding) is explicitly defined.

Reasoning: The statute has a built-in enforcement plan: administrative enforcement. The legislature also intended to immunize the school districts for harms arising out of this program.
